Image from: Bay Area Spare the Air Campaign
On a regular basis governments in Australia at all levels (federal, state and local) conduct inquiries, invite community input or review policies and legislation relating to air quality. These are important opportunities to have your say.
This page includes information on current and past government inquiries/strategies and reviews and provides advice on how to make a submission. Stay updated on new inquiries by subscribing to our updates via the form below.
You may also want to consider starting a petition or writing to your local Mayor, MP or Environment Minister. Go to our templates - letters and petitions page for help with petitions and letters.
Current Inquiries
Victoria conducted a Parliamentary Inquiry into the Health Impacts of Air Pollution.The Inquiry published their final report on 18 November 2021. The Victorian Government was due on 18 May 2022 but to date no response has appeared on the Inquiry website. Our analysis of the report is provided on our latest news pages.
The NSW government conducted a public consultation on their draft NSW Clean Air Strategy which has now closed and released the final version of their NSW Clean Air Strategy. With regards to wood smoke unfortunately the strategy contains no new or innovative actions to address wood smoke pollution. Instead it points to legislative amendments in previous years to tighten emissions controls on new wood heaters and supporting local councils to respond to complaints.
Past inquiries/consultations
The Victorian government also invited submissions to their draft Clean Air Strategy. You can view the draft strategy and the submissions on their website.
For help with writing submissions on air pollution:
Please see ​below resources to help with writing submissions on air pollution:
Submission writing workshop (video) by Environment Justice Australia (this workshop was provided for the Victorian air pollution Inquiry and has lots of useful general tips)
The Guide to writing submissions* on air pollution
The Presentation Slides on writing a submission*
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You can also use and adapt our one-page submission example template
(created for the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry).
For example of submissions you may want to read the submissions made to
the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Health Impacts of Air Pollution including ours.​
* EJA kindly granted permission to share these resources.