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Round up of the latest news

Clean Air

There is a lot happening on wood smoke pollution - so here is a round up of latest news.

  • The Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Health Impacts of Air Pollution is continuing to hold hearings. The next lot of hearings will be held in mid August. Transcripts of the July hearings are now publicly available as are all the submissions - go to

  • In Western Australia Nedlands Council has passed a motion to advocate to state government to introduce a wood heater ban by April 2024 reported in PerthNow.

  • UK & US air pollution advocacy groups continue to produce great resources to raise awareness about air pollution - including Mums for Lungs, the Ella Roberta Family Foundation, Clean Air Moms and Doctors and Scientists against wood smoke pollution

  • Rising wood smoke levels in Canberra (and huge increase in firewood sales) has led to a number of articles and opinion pieces in response to suggestions that wood heaters be banned.

  • Asthma Australia are demonstrating global leadership when it comes to educating about the health impacts of wood smoke pollution. Recently the organisation has released a series of personal stories to show the very real impact of wood smoke pollution.

  • And lastly please visit our twitter link (and follow us). We retweet latest research, articles and advocacy.

  • The image below is from the Australian's government's Quit tobacco campaign. We hope they don't mind our edit, particularly given tobacco smoke and wood smoke share nearly all the same substances, each wood heater produces the smoke of thousands of cigarettes and New Zealand research that showed that for every modern wood heater installed there is a 7% increase that a child under 3 years will end up in emergency. We think the comparison is fair.

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